Pride month is celebrated the whole month of June. (June 1 to June 30). Pride month is now being called LGTBQ Pride month. (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) It is set in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Riots and the works to achieve equal justice and opportunity for individuals who are LGTBQ.
There are a host of celebrations that occur during Pride Month. These celebrations may include: pride parades, picnics, parties, workshops, concerts, etc.
I want to highlight the different LGBTQ flags for you today. The pride flags have changed and grew overtime.
Gilbert Baker Flag - 1978
The colors have the following meanings:
Pink: Sex
Red: Life
Orange: Healing
Yellow: Sunlight
Green: Nature
Turquoise: Magic
Blue: Harmony
Violet: Spirit
The 1978 - 1999 Pride Flag
The number of colors decreased because the pink color was hard to come by.
Rainbow Gay Pride Flag
This flag is used to symbolize the overall LGBTQ community. Organizations and Businesses to show that their environment is a safe place for everyone.
Philadelphia’s People of Color Inclusive Flag - 2017
Created to give representation to black and brown people.
Queer People of Color Flag
It represents solidarity with the BLM movement and the intersection of the queer and Black communities.
“Progress” Pride Flag - 2018
It has the colors and stripes from Philly’s version of the pride flag and the colors of the transgender pride flag.
Bisexual Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Pink (or magenta): Same-sex attraction
(Royal) blue: Opposite-sex attraction
Purple (lavender): Attraction to both sexes.
Pansexual Flag - 2010
Pink News says it’s unclear who actually created this flag, but ever since it started showing up online in 2010, it’s become a symbol of attraction to all genders.
Polysexual Flag
This flag was created on tumblr in 2012
Asexual Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Black: Represents Asexuality as a whole
Gray: Represents gray asexuality and demisexuality. Demisexuality is defined as no sexual attraction unless there is a strong emotional bond according to AVEN.
White: Represents sexuality
Purple: Represents community
Demisexual Flag
They exist on the Asexual spectrum.
Lesbian Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Darkest Orange: Gender non-conformity
Middle Orange: Independence
Lightest Orange: Community
White: Unique relationships to womanhood
Lightest Pink: Serenity and peace
Middle Pink: Love and sex
Darkest Pink: Femininity
Intersex Flag - 2013
Gold or yellow: Inspired by a story told by fellow intersex individual Mani Mitchell to reclaim the slur “hermaphrodite” used against the intersex community.
Purple Circle: In the interview, Carpenter said, “The circle is about us being unbroken, about being whole and complete,” as well as the right for Intersex people to make decisions about their bodies.
Transgender Flag
The meaning of the colors.
Blue: Represents boys
Pink: Represents girls
White: Represents people who are transitioning, have no gender or are gender neutral
Genderqueer Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Lavender: Represents androgyny
White: Represents agender identities
Green: Represents non-binary people
Genderfluid Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Pink: Represents femininity
White: Represents all genders
Purple: Represents both masculinity and feminity
Black: Represents a lack of gender
Blue: Represents masculinity
Agender Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Black and white: Represent an absence of gender
Gray: Semi-genderlessness
Green: Non-binary genders
Aromantic Flag
In this flag the gray and black represent all aromantic sexualities, both asexual and sexual.
Non-Binary Flag
The meaning of the colors:
Yellow: Represents genders outside of the gender binary
White: Represents people who identify with many or all genders
Purple: Represents genders that are a combination of male and female
Black: Represents people who are agender
Polyamory Flag
The pi symbolizes the infinite partners. While , the golden color represents emotional connection, as opposed to sexual love.
Straight Ally Flag
This flag represents those who support the LGBTQ community.
Metagender Flag
They consider themselves neither cis nor trans.
“Intersex Progress” Pride Flag
This flag was created for intersex equality rights and to increase allyship with the LGBTQ community.
A fun fact- To recognize evolving Identity the former LGBTQ community is now LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual and members of the community not included in the acronym)
When All Americans Are Treated As Equals, No Matter Who They Are Or Whom They Love, We Are All More Free.
- Barack Obama
Enjoyed this. Didn't realize all the different flags and the colors.